CropLife UK welcomes Steve Barclay as the new Secretary of State at Defra, following the resignation of his predecessor Therese Coffey in yesterday’s reshuffle.


CropLife UK CEO Dave Bench commented on the appointment;

"Many congratulations to Steve Barclay. With a very full in-tray, the new Secretary of State has a huge amount to get his teeth into. We look forward to working closely with him as he settles into his new role.  

British agricultural production has never been more important.  As illustrated in our newly published report, Agriculture’s Trilemma, (read here) we are on the cusp on some dramatic changes in the way we farm and produce food.  The UK can lead the way in realising this change, but first we need a predictable, science led and deliverable regulatory regime.  The prompt publication of the National Action Plan on Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products will be an important milestone in achieving this, as will a continued pragmatic approach to development of the regulatory framework for precision bred crop varieties.

We thank the outgoing minister Thérèse Coffey for her service and second stint at Defra and wish her well as she returns to the backbenches."